Computer Animation
This is a M.D. course in 3D computer animation. I'm teaching this
course with Francois
Faure. Here is the main webpage
for this course.
- Direct and inverse kinematics (slides)
- Hierarchical 3D modeling, velocity control of interpolations
- Introduction to Maya (see below)
- Skinning, Facial animation, morphing (slides)
- Introduction to physically based modeling, application to cloth.
- Motion capture and retargetting (slides)
- Advanced physically based animation
Maya programming in MEL script and C++ API
This is a M.D. course in 3D computer graphics dedicated to Maya. It
introduces foundation concepts to use Maya for modeling and
animation, and how to write first MEL scripts and develop C++ plug-ins
using the Maya API.
- introduction (slides)
- user interface (slides)
- modeling (slides)
- animation (slides)
- MEL scripts (notes, in French)
- C++ plug-ins with Maya API (notes,
in French)
Text of the work assignment for this class : tp_maya.pdf