Aims and Scope Some results Physically-based simulation of the flow Large-scale geometry of the flow surface Rendering lava crust Publications and related works |
Motivation: Natural Phenomena Aim: Visually-realistic animation of lava flows. Difficulty: Both viscosity and surface aspect depend on temperature. They should vary consistently over time. Our approach consists in using two completely different scales for computing large scale motion and deformation of the flow on one hand (see Physically-based simulation), and for modelling lava-crust surface details on the other hand (see Rendering lava crust). |
We use smoothed particles for computing the physically-based
animation of the fluid. This model, where particles are governed
by a state equation, was developped by
Mathieu Desbrun during his PhD.
We extended this model in order to introduce a temperature parameter and to model both heat transfers inside the material and transfers with the exterior (air, ground). Mass-density is constant, while viscosity exponentially increases when temperature decreases. A specific data-structure is used for computing particles interaction forces in quasi-linear time. |
An Implicit Surface generated by the particles is used for
associating a surface to the flow.
The implicit surface is tiled into Voronoi regions associated with the projection onto the surface of flow particles that lay near the interface with the air or with the ground. |