Exploration interactive de gros maillages surfaciques et volumiques
Images and movies
See also
Warning: readfile(/var/www/evasion/pub//Publications/2006/BB06/info.fr.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/evasion/pub/Publications/publi.php on line 173
BibTex references
@MastersThesis\{BB06, author = "Barbier, S\'ebastien and Bonneau, Georges-Pierre", title = "Exploration interactive de gros maillages surfaciques et volumiques", school = "M2R IVR", year = "2006", url = "http://evasion.imag.fr/Publications/2006/BB06" }
Other publications in the database
» S�bastien Barbier :
in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base
» Georges-Pierre Bonneau : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base
» Georges-Pierre Bonneau : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base