MobiNet: a pedagogic platform for Computer Science, Maths and Physics (How to make students love Maths by programming video games)

Eurographics - Education - august 2004
Télécharger la publication : EGmobinet.pdf [1.2Mo]   EGmobinet.ppt [2.4Mo]  

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Références BibTex

  author       = "Lefebvre, Sylvain and Neyret, Fabrice and Hornus, Samuel and Thollot, Jo{\"e}lle",
  title        = "MobiNet: a pedagogic platform for Computer Science, Maths and Physics (How to make students love Maths by programming video games)",
  booktitle    = "Eurographics - Education",
  month        = "august",
  year         = "2004",
  organization = "Eurographics",
  note         = "Grenoble",
  url          = ""

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» Sylvain Lefebvre : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base
» Fabrice Neyret : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base
» Samuel Hornus : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base
» Joëlle Thollot : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base