Reality Enriched by Synthesis

Pierre Jancène, Fabrice Neyret, Xavier Provot, Jean-Philippe Tarel, Jean-Marc Vézien, Christophe Meilhac, Anne Verroust

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The bibtex entry for this publication:
   author    = {P. Janc\`{e}ne and C. Meilhac and F. Neyret and X. Provot and 
J.-P. Tarel and J.-M. V\'{e}zien and A. V\'{e}rroust},
   title     = {R\'{e}alit\'{e} Enrichie par Synth\`{e}se},
   booktitle   = {10\`{e}me congr\`{e}s AFCET, Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence
   address   = {Rennes, France},
   year      = {1996}

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