(sur votre compte, ou mieux, sur web)

Tout tient à une merveilleuse commande écrite par Gilles, Catalog., que j'ai ensuite horriblement patchée.
(Pour l'instant, on la trouve donc dans ~fneyret/bin/)

Catalog -h dit:
Usage : Catalog [-r][-nr][-h][-clear][-names][-label][-outfile file][-pref file]
                [-count][-titletype N][-title name]
                [-show files][-hide files][-showgroup themes][-hidegroup themes]

This program creates an iconic version of all the images that are in the current dir.
An html page refering the images is created (catalog.html, by default).

'-clear' removes catalog.html and icon images.
'-names' adds file names under the image. '-label' do it only if no label exists.
'-r' creates catalogs recursively. '-nr' limits cataloging to the current dir.
'-count' adds a recursive image count to dir entries.
'-show' limits the considered files to the given list (default is \*).
'-hide' prevents the given files to be shown (use \ before wildchars such as *).
'-hidegroup' and '-showgroup' select themes to put in the catalog.

Directories and files are included to help browsing in the catalog.
If present, special file .nocatalog forbids the current directory.
If presents, special file head.html and tail.html are incorporated before and
after the catalog content, and title.html is used as title.
If present, special file label.html is incorporated after a directory entry.
(you can also use dir.label, in the parent directory).
  You can associate a label and informations (e.g. origin, copyright) to an image
using special files image.info and image.label (with the image name comprising the extension).
  You can also associate themes to an image in image.group (one theme name per line).
Themes can then be selected or eliminated using -showgroup or -hidegroup
(themes names are your choice; the special name 'void' corresponds to images without .group file).
Themes shared by the whole directory can be put in .group instead.

  You can tune the defaults using a .Catalog file in your home dir,
or providing a file on the command line (-pref abspath/file),
or using a .Catalog in the current directory.
The syntax is TCL, thus commands should look like `set variable value',
where variables are:

allowLocalPref [1] : set to 0 to disallow .Catalog in the current directory.
outFile            : name of the catalog files generated (see -outfile).
recursive [0]      : recursive parsing (see -r and -nr).
doCount [0]        : display recursive count (see -count).
putNames(0-2) [0]  : print file names. 2:only for images with no label.
confirm [1]        : set to 0 to replace files without confirmation.
titleType(0-3) [1] : page title = path, short path, dir name, or a given title (see -titletype).
title              : title used when titleType=3 (see -title).
nbCol [5]          : number of images per row.
lappend hideFiles files   : files not to be shown (see -hide).
set showFiles files       : files to be shown (see -show). Default is \*.
lappend hideGroups themes : themes not to be shown (see -hidegroup).
lappend showGroups themes : themes to be shown (see -showgroup).

Si vous mettez des images potentiellement sous copyright (récupérées dans des articles ou sur le web, scannées dans des livres),
ou si vous ne tenez pas à ce que vos images se diffusent,
il faut absolument restreindre la diffusion en créant un fichier .htaccess dans votre répertoires image
(voir modèle dans ~www/IMAGIS/Membres/Fabrice.Neyret/images/).
NB: si un sous-directory est directement relié par un lien Unix (ln) depuis une autre page,
c'est le .htaccess de l'autre arborescence qui compte, sachant qu'il n'y en a peut-être pas !
Un exemple de fichier .htaccess :
#Options Indexes

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 194.199.26
allow from       # Sophia : kronos.inria.fr
allow from         # Sophia : estia.inria.fr
allow from         # Sophia : niki.inria.fr
allow from         # Sophia : aiolos.inria.fr
allow from      # Sophia : aris.inria.fr  
allow from         # Sophia : ira.inria.fr
allow from         # Sophia : poseidon.inria.fr
allow from       # Sophia : dimitra.inria.fr
allow from          # Sophia : apollon.inria.fr